Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Updates & Announcements

Hey guys.  I'm sorry to say that I'll be ending the story.  The time has become somewhat of an issue for me.  This post is the second to the last.  Thanks so much for sticking with my dollies and I. ♥


Halle and Dean prepare their daughter's room.

Carissa and Jessie sit down to talk about the status of their relationship.

They mutually decide to go their separate ways.

Kelly and Shane begin dating exclusively.

9 Months Pregnant

Halle arrives at her baby shower.

Her family and friends happily greet her.

They all sit down to eat, chat and play a few games.

Then end the night with Halle opening gifts.


  1. Please say it's not so. But I hope all is well.

    1. All is well, but its been hard letting this go.

  2. That is sad to say! But it's been a wonderful ride, and I wish you the best. I can't wait to see the last post, and see everyone's sendoff.

    1. Hey Verona, sorry it wasn't much of a sendoff. Thanks for riding along with us. :)

  3. Hola, que pena, es una triste noticia que la historia llegara a su fin.
    Siempre he admirado tus fotos y me gustan mucho tus barbies y dioramas.
    Espero el ultimo post.
    Saludos desde Mexico, y que tus planes logren concretarse.

    1. Muchas gracias. Agradezco todos sus comentarios. Me alegro de que haya disfrutado de ver a mis carros y dioramas. Gracias por el aliento.

  4. I'm very rarely commenting which is a shame, but always reading this story. I'm so sad it will al of sudden. I hope you will be back with second part of it or a new one. Please, don't dissapear!

    1. Aww, thanks Jewel. And I appreciate all the comments you've made. It doesn't matter how often, so it's not a shame. ;) And I won't completely disappear, I'm sure I'll be back with an update at some point.

  5. I am very sad to hear this. I absolutely love your stories. I do understand though, how time can get in the way. Take care Adrian and maybe one day in the future, you will drop by with a new story or two. You are always welcome to do so. :-)

    1. Aww, thanks Vickey. You are always so sweet. :)

  6. Adrian, so sorry to learn you won't be posting anymore stories. I absolutely love The Waverlys and have really enjoyed reading the episodes. I do understand about time though. It gets pretty tough to manage dolly time with life happening. I hope all is well and maybe we will see you posting one day in the future. Happy New Year! 😊

    1. Hey Tracy. Thanks for being so understanding and a loyal follower of my stories. It's much appreciated. I'm sure at some point I'll do an update. But, I'll still be around visiting blogs and showing support.

  7. Hello from Spain: I'm sorry that you stop your blog. Your doing a great job. I hope that in the future you return to your blog. Nice pictures, as always. A very real stories. I will be attentive to your possible return. Keep in touch

    1. Aww, thanks Marta. I appreciate you. Your support has always been consistent and kind. You're the best.

  8. Entendo a sua falta de tempo, mas não acho que seja motivo para deixar o blog. Post quando puder e iremos entender, caso ainda curta fazer isso, nós curtimos acompanhar. Beijos e Feliz 2015 para tod@s!

    1. Hey Adriana, isso é algo para se pensar. Mas, eu sempre me sinto mal quando não sou capaz de postar a cada semana. Eu sinto que o momento é perdido. Beijos

  9. I'll be sad to see them go, and Happy New Year to you and the dollies!

  10. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Why, I love the waverlys. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

  11. So so so sad to hear about the story ending. I love the Waverlys but life happens! Take care and Happy New Year! **Secretly I am hoping your depature will be short lived****

  12. I've been following you since it was Dollies on Youtube, so whenever you come back and however you present it, I'll be following that too. Happy New Year!

  13. Oh, please, don't!!! Keep the blog, even if you don't have much time, don't delete it, please, I love it so much!! Kisses and happy new year!!

    1. Alicia, you're making this hard. Lol We'll see what the future brings. Thank you :)

  14. Sorry to hear the Waverlys are taking a hiatus, but we understand. We hope you will give us an occasional update throughout the year. Take care!

  15. It is so sad that the waverlys will be gone. I really loved the stories.

    1. I'm really glad that you enjoyed the stories. It means a lot.

  16. Where did you buy your dolls from???? specially Halle, Dean and Alex.....plz tell me I really want to collect them....they are my fav. And you are a very talented person. Viewing each of your story makes me feel that the characters are for real..... Good Job.... Hope to see one of you new stories soon...:-)

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