Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Happy New Year

XO Adrian


  1. Hi, is very sewty, sorry, no speak english.
    Ella es muy tierna y bonita.
    Saludos desde Mexico.

    1. Hola. Su Inglés es muy bueno. Muchas gracias. Halle y Dean son padres muy orgullosos.

  2. Madison is adorable! Congratulations to the Waverly's! What a spoiled one she will be. Lol!

  3. Is that the last post? Happy New Year for you too! Please, write something from time too time! I will greately miss reading about Dean and Halle and what's will life bring for them, watching your beautiful dioramas and everything.


    1. Hey there Jewel. Yep, this was the last and I won't make any promises, but I'll see about posting a few updates here and there.

  4. Hello from Spain: Happy New Year. Congratulations. She is an adorable baby. I love to visit your blog. I enjoy reading your stories. Keep in touch

    1. Aw, thanks Marta. It's always nice to have you visit.

  5. A fashionista out of the womb! Congrats to the lucky parents.

  6. She's adorable, but like once in a while can u show her growing up, please and update on the couples. Maybe like every 6 months or something pleeeaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeee!!!

    1. Hi. I'll see about doing that, but I won't make any promises. I'll have to see what I can work out.

  7. Aww, sorry this will be your last post. I just started following your blog a few months ago and your story lines have been so interesting.

    1. Aww, thank you. I'm glad that you've enjoyed them.

  8. Is this the last episode. I wanted to see her go in labor and all.

  9. congrats halle and dean! she is so adorable. i was glad i found your blog a year ago, i hope everything is good with you. i will miss you and your dollies. have a happy new year!

    1. Hi Shirley. Halle and Dean say thank you! And I really appreciate you being a reader of my blog. Thanks for you kind words.

  10. What a cutie. She's going to be a handful for new parents Dean and Halle. What a fun birth date (for her late teen and 20 something years) lots of trouble to get into. Wishing you all the best!

    1. Oh goodness, I don't even want to think about the troubles. Lol Much thanks!

  11. aww she is so adorable! I'm so sad that you are ending the story :( but understand its very time consuming.
    just wanted to say thank you so much for this story, it has always brought joy & happiness to my day; whenever I saw a new post up I would get soooo excited.
    I love the characters and will miss them so much.
    If you do get a chance in the future, I know everyone would love to hear any updates from the characters (especially Halle and Dean and Madison!).
    Once again thank you so much and wish you the best in your endeavours. Happy new year!!! :-)

    1. Aww, thank you so much. Your comments are very sweet. I'm happy to hear that you truly enjoyed the story, it brings a smile to my face. And I will do my best to have an update from time to time. Thanks again. :)

  12. She's beautiful! Happy New Year.
    I am Brazilian,I love your blog!

  13. I would ask of you a huge favor if you are really considering this blog to end IT WOULD MEAN THE ABSOLUTE WORLLLLD TO ME IF YOU CAN KINDLY ASKING WITH ALL OF MY HEART AND SOUL GIVE ME YOUR DOLLS AND ACCESSORIES THAT YOU DONT NEED AND OR LIKE IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD ADRIAN_!!!!! we can contact through email please hit me up on the offer asap!

    1. Hey there. Although, the story has ended, I'm still a collector at heart, so I'll be holding on to them for now.

  14. Me encantó cada detalle de la historia... desde los personajes hasta los accesorios... sería genial que pudieras continuar con la historia, a ver que sucede después del nacimiento de la niña!!!

    1. Gracias!! Me alegro de que haya disfrutado de la historia y todos sus detalles. Eso significa mucho. Espero hacer una actualización de uno de estos días. :)

  15. I will be always coming here to see if you decided to post something sometime... as I always did... I will not lose my hope. Kisse, bye :)
