Sunday, August 17, 2014

$1.97 Fashion Outfits + Exclusives

Hey guys, if you haven't already heard, the Funville Sparkle Girlz Fashion Outfits are now on clearance at Wal-Mart.

(1.97 is the real price.  Tag error at the store.)

I picked up 5 of them yesterday and they are too cute!
Below are the Wal-Mart exclusives.
There were 4 in this summer themed collection, but these 2 were my favorites.


  1. Are the sparkle Girlz clothing just arriving at Wal mart or have they been there? Because I never seen them in mine before, but then my Walmart is always the last to get new stuff..

    1. Hey Jay, can't really say if they're new or not. This was my first time seeing them and it was completely by chance. They just happened to be sprawled across the Barbie section.

  2. Hello from Spain: great purchase. Keep in touch

  3. I have never seen the fashions in either of my Walmarts. The Walmart collections are cute! I have seen some new fashions, but these were not there Friday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. No problem. Hopefully they'll start showing up at all Walmarts.

  4. These are cute! Thanks for the info!

  5. I was just about to post and ask if anyone had seen the sparkle Girlz packs and if they were new or old, lol. I found just a single one in a very messy Walmart yesterday and it was only $1.97 so I wasn't sure if it was a clearance or what.

    Mine is different from the ones you show. I'm going to go to other Walmarts and see if I can find some more now that I've seen yours.

    1. Hey Muff, hope you find more of them. I went back yesterday to double check about the clearance thing and yep, seems to be right. I took a photo (above) and there's also a fashion boutique set selling at 8.88.

    2. Wow, I haven't even seen the Sparkle Girlz outfits. Those are cute. I just started going back into Walmart. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. I bought a ton! Both Walmarts within 20 of me seemed pretty stocked. I went back a second time because I can't be helped :). Will Mrs Waverly be carrying any of these in her shop?

    1. Yep! I'm going back today to pick up a few more and I'm hoping they'll have the other 2 boutique sets.
