Amber Needs A Favor

Halle has just gotten off the phone, ordering new inventory, when Amber walks into her office.
Amber- "Hey Halle, I'm sorry for showing up like this."

Halle- "That's okay.  Are you feeling better?"

Amber- "No, I was hoping you could do me a favor."
Halle- "What's that?"

Amber- "Give me a job?"

Halle- "Oh, I'm-"

Amber- *starts to cry* "This is so humiliating.  Why would he ruin everything?!"

Halle- "Amber, please don't cry, everything will be fine."
Amber- "I won't sign!...or maybe I should."
Halle- "Have you gone over the prenup with your lawyer?"
Amber- "No..."
Halle- "Maybe you should do that before making a final decision."
Amber- "I can do that."
Halle- "Good."

Halle- "Now, do you have any experience as an assistant?"

Amber- "I'm a fast learner."
Halle- "Well, things have gotten a bit busy around here and I could really use one."
Amber- "I'm your girl."

Halle- "Welcome to the team."

Dinner with Jessie and Amber

Halle- "That was really uncomfortable."
Dean- "Yeah, that was pretty tense."
A Few Hours Earlier

In the middle of dinner...
Amber- *near tears* "Jessie has asked me to sign a prenuptial."
Jessie- "Amber-"

Amber- "Isn't that horrible?"

Halle- "I-"

Jessie- "Amber, please.  That's a private matter."

Amber- *cries* "You don't believe in us."

Halle- "Here you are sweetie", handing her a napkin.

Amber- *sniff* "Thank you."

Jessie- "I believe in us."

Amber- "You're a liar!"

Jessie- "Honey, what do you want me to do?"
Amber- "Take it off the table."

Jessie- "I'm sorry, but that's not gonna happen."
Amber begins to cry again.

Needless to say, dinner was cut short.
Back to the Present

Halle- "Do you think they're gonna be okay?"
Dean- "Yeah, I think they'll work it out."


The Waverlys Go Four Wheeling

Halle and Dean have been out for hours.
Dean- "Babe, I think it's about that time."

Halle- "Already!  Where did the time go?"

Dean- "I see you're liking the wheels."

Halle- "This is so much fun, I should've done this years ago."
Dean- "We can come anytime you want."

Halle- "Sounds good", then she revs up her engine and takes off, "I'll race you back!"
Not too far along, she runs into a problem.

Halle- "Oh no", while getting off her bike to investigate.

Halle- *sigh* "Mud."
Dean pulls up a few moments later.

Dean- "Well, what do we have here?  Looks like I'm gonna win after all."

Halle- *pout* "I'm stuck."
He jumps off his bike to lend her a hand.
Halle- "In mud."

Dean- "That's not so bad..."

Dean- "We can get you out of that."

Halle- "What can I do?"

Dean- "Hop on and hold onto the breaks, I'll give you a nudge."

Dean- "Ready?"

Halle- "Yep."
And a few nudges later...

Halle- "There it goes!"

Halle- "Thanks babe."
Dean- "No problem", then takes off.
 ♥ Thanks for being patient everyone.  It's nice to be back posting. ♥
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