Thursday, November 1, 2012

Giveaway: Win a Stand Mixer Ornament

Update: We have a winner!  Congrats to DLSarmywife and thanks to everyone who entered!

Hey everyone, today I'm kicking off a giveaway.  Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so I thought it'd be fitting to giveaway a mixer to get all those Thanksgiving dishes prepared! ;)  This is an international giveaway.
Here's how to enter...
1.  You must be a follower of this blog.
2.  Leave one comment telling me your favorite Thanksgiving dish.
3.  Be sure to have your parents' permission to enter if you are underage.
This giveaway will be open for two weeks and ends at midnight EST on November 14, 2012.  The winner will be randomly selected.
Good luck!


  1. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is baked cheesy potatoes. What a great idea for a giveaway! (^_^)

  2. I love loooooooove homemade dressing, not Stovetop Stuffing, but teal dressing

  3. My all time favorite thanksgiving dish is sweet potato pie! Thanks for having a giveaway!

  4. *real. Lol. Btw, I follow u here, subscribe on Youtube, and liked you on Fb ;)

  5. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is Turducken :)

  6. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is dressing. Love it!

  7. Oh boy, my mouth is watering just thinking about it...fried turkey! :P Very cute lil' mixer.

  8. Oh that is too cute! And how sweet of you to give one away! Hmmm my favorite Thanksgiving dish, that's a tough question because there are so many good ones!
    But I think I'm going to have to go with my biscuit/cornbread sausage stuffing/dressing! It's delish! =D

  9. I love love love my Mommy's Sweet Potatoe Fluff

  10. My favorite is MY homemade turkey dressing!

  11. I haven't ever had a thanksgiving dinner, but each time I saw it in series or films, I always thought that I would love the stuffing. One of these years I will try to prepare my own spanish version of it!

  12. Hi. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is bread stuffing with smoked oysters.

  13. Hello from Spain: count me in for this giveaway. I love this furniture. I am very traditional. My favorite dish is the stuffed turkey. Keep in touch
