Sunday, October 28, 2012

The New Kenneth

Hey everyone!  There's been many changes going on over here and Alicia's husband is one of them.  You may not remember the previous doll, since I think I spoke of him only once.  Well, he had the basic ken body (no articulation!).
This fully articulated cutie was just laying around, so he became Alicia's new husband.  Honestly, I did have other plans for this guy, but with the series ending I had to make changes and didn't want him to go to waste.
The series is ending!  Ummm...why is this change necessary?!
Well, as you know Alicia is Halle's publicist and I will continue storytelling with Halle, so Alicia may pop up every now and then, with or without her hubby.  Basically, he's just so much easier to work with and again, I would just hate for him to go to waste! ;)


  1. Now THAT'S a husband! ;) They make a really nice couple, and I swear she's smiling more. Ok, so you will still post stories about Halle? That's wonderful because I'm hooked. I'm still trying to find a way to scale down who will be featured in stories. I didn't realize how hard it is to have so many tales going at once.

    Anyway, nice to know we'll be able to follow Halle's career and hunk of a hubby. :)
