Monday, October 22, 2012

Power Team Action Figures

Found this guy at Big Lots.  I got him mainly for his clothing and accessories.  There were a bunch of others available, but I'm not too familiar with the Power Team dolls, so I just got the one.
A few had gloves on and the gloves looked to be attached to their hands.
Does anyone know if they're removable or attached?  Is it easy to swap their heads?
Thanks for any info.


  1. Great buy, I like the jeans, shoes, etc. The guys that have the gloved hands, unfortunately you can't remove the glove. So, you got a much better buy with this one. I'm not familiar if other hands can be purchased to replaced the gloved hands...maybe someone who knows will respond to the post. :)

  2. Nice buy love the accessories. I was able to replace the gloved hands on my TREASURED power team guy. Vanessa at Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures directed me to monkey depot when I asked about this. My big lot doesnt carry power team guys anymore so you really lucked up. Peek at my blog to see my power team guy Aaron Markz sporting his new hands. Try the post dated July 8 or 9

    1. Thanks Mustiwait, that really helps :)

    2. Hi Mustiwait. How did you get them off? Did you use a blow dyer? Did they twist them off or pull them off? Would love to know. I have the same guy as you and would love to replace those hands. Thanks

    3. Hey ZDollCloset I checked with my husband and he agrees that I sat there and carefully just kept twisting until they came out. It doesnt happen right away but they do come out. Be sure to get a firm hold on the arm right above the glove you dont want to discconect anything else.

  3. My power team guy's gloved hands come off. Glad to know where to find replacement hands. Thanks Mustiwait!

  4. Lucky you! I rarely see them "without" the gloved hands. He has a nice face.

    1. Hey Vickey :) I really did luck out this time, since I never see any of them at any of my local Big Lots. Me and hubby just happened to pass one when we visited a different shopping plaza and I just had to go in! I'm glad I did.

  5. Hello from Spain: I think the guys dolls is more difficult to change the head without breaking any parts. I do not I have these dolls but other very similar is difficult to draw the head. I also like the clothes they are wearing ... keep in touch

    1. I think you're right, with the ones I saw. I tried to remove his head and hands, but they weren't coming off and I thought something was going to break. So, I'll pass on the gloved guys, unless they're wearing something nice :)

  6. His clothes are really nice! Poor thing he must feel so used! Bought only for his clothes ahahahaha.

    1. Lol Now I feel bad, but his clothes are really nice ;)

  7. I know I'm late with this but maybe you got a super sticky one because I have that exact one and many others and their hands/gloves come off easily with a quick tug. Just make sure the wrist isn't bent and then tug downward on the hand. The heads pop off with a little more effort. Tilt the head down while holding the chest and twist the head side to side as you pull it off at an angle.

    Check out this post to see what the Power Team neck knob looks like without its head.
