Thursday, October 25, 2012

DIY Dollhouse Diorama Wall Decor

Halle's office got a mini makeover and the wall's definitely needed the most attention!  I wanted to add stripes and did so using black electrical tape that I picked up from Walmart.  The tape is very thin with an extra smooth surface, so it was perfect for this project.
You'll also need: a ruler and a pair of scissors.
Getting Started
1. Measure the width of the wall.
2. Cut the electrical tape to match that width.
3. Place the tape on the wall starting from the top.
4. Repeat this process, leaving your desired amount of distance between each strip of tape (I placed them about an inch apart) until you reach the floor.
5. Done!
* Here's a snapshot of the office before. *
And after!  I used the electrical tape on both side walls, added scrapbook paper to the back wall, hung the memo board back up and switched out the mannequin.
The furniture was brought back in and the shelving unit was switched :)  I found it at the thrift shop and gave it a nice coat of brown paint.
The rug was cut down a little.  Now the only thing left to do is add more accessories!